Vlad Pomogaev


Fermentation Log #8: Stronger House Merlot

This fermentation log is for the following kit. This batch is only for half the kit because I don't have enough glass to hold on entire kit. Started (Dec 28th 2024) by mixing the following in 5gal plastic bucket:

Final mix gravity was 1.108. Yeast was EC-1118, which was not rehydrated and simply added to the top of the must. Starting at 1.108 I expect the final result to be stronger and maybe have more body than #7.

Jan 7th 2025. Racked the mix into a 4L carboy, a 3.75L carboy, and a 2L carboy (partially filling the bottom, about 1/4 full). Gravity was 0.999. To the 4L carboy, added 200g of 1:3 xylitol mix to bring gravity up to 1.012. To the 3.75L carboy added 120g of 1:3 mix. Added nothing to the remainder in the 2L carboy.

Tasted quite dry and bitter without any sugar. The 4L's sugar mix was really good though; made it very "drinkable".