Vlad Pomogaev


Fermentation Log #4: Sweet Apple Cider

Started (Oct 4th 2024) by cutting up Honeycrisp (240g), Granny Smith (200g), Pink Lady (190g), and Fuji (225g) apple into ~1cm^3 cubes. Combined with 210mL of water. Brought to boil on stove. Then combined with:

SG of apple juice + water + apple chunks was 1.044; was expected to be 1.042. After adding sugar, the sg was 1.058; was expected to be 1.056. Pretty close.

The must is expected to ferment dry to 1.000 and form 7.3% ABV. The plan is to backsweeten with 220mL of 3:1 sugar:water by wt. mix to get ABV down to 6.94% and sugars up to 41g/L and gravity back up to 1.016.

The expected specifications are as follows:

Fermenting in mesh-covered 5gal bucket until Oct 7th.

Oct 7th 2023: Racked must into 1gal fermentation vessel. SG measured at 1.000. Took a sample to taste. Added 220mL of 3:1 Xylitol to Water by weight mix. Took another sample to taste. Measured sg at 1.019. Expected to be 1.016. Possibly due to innacuracy in measurement of 220mL.

Ratings pre sweetening:

Ratings post sweetening:

The sweetening added an unmistakable addition of drinkability. The taste is now better than the smell, which still has vibes of #3. The tartness from the tannins also added a lot to complete the flavor profile.

Oct 26th 2024: almost no bubbles in the liquid now; maybe one small bubble every minuite. Cloudy appearance, but clearing up. Clearing up faster than #3.

Nov 4th 2024: racked into 1 gal glass jug. Medium smell of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide. Smells like "farts". Color has cleared up significantly.

Measured sg at 1.015. Gravity seems to have gone down by 0.004. Racked with airlock. Introduced more oxygen via back-and-forth racking about 4 times.

Nov 11th 2024: tasted a glass. Smell is now gone!! Now smells like a proper cider. Not pungent. Taste is good. Color is a bit hazy.

Nov 14th 2024: Bottled #4 into two 750mL bottles; and drank the rest! Labled and corked. Cork was not soaked before insertion. Tastes nice! Very easy drinking. A little sweeter than desired. Label was applied